Gudžulić V., Timothy J.J., Schäfer N., Breitenbücher R., and Meschke G.
Computational modeling of damage evolution in concrete due to cyclic loading. VI International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures,
VI International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures, CFRAC 2019, 12.07. - 14.07.2019 in Braunschweig, Germany (Abstract)
Gudžulić, V., Timothy J.J.., and Meschke G.
Computational modeling of damage evolution in short fibre-reinforced concrete due to cyclic loading,
XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications. COMPLAS 2019, 03.09. - 05.09. 2019, Barcelona, Spain (Abstract)
Schäfer, N.; Breitenbücher, R.
Pull - Out tests of carbon and high-strength steel microfibres in a cement-based matrix,
Derkowski, W. et al. (Ed.): Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019, 27.-29.05.2019 in Krakau (Polen), pp. 1888-1895 (full paper digital)
Gudžulić, V., Khisamitov, I., Timothy, J. J., and Meschke, G.
Simulation‐based investigation of the influence of the micro‐structure and disorder on damage evolution in concrete,
PAMM, 18(1)
Schäfer, N.; Przondziono, R.; Breitenbücher, R.
Microstructural degradation in cementitious materials induced by cylic loading,
2nd Materials Chain International Conference, MCIC 2018, 12.11.-14.11.2018 in Bochum (Abstract Book)