Publikationen des Projekts Steeb / Garrecht


  • Josef Sauer, Jana Musialak, Holger Steeb (2019): Characterizing High Performance Concrete in the Frequency DomainValidation Experiments GAMM 2019 / Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - 90th GAMM Annual Meeting – Wien
  • Josef Sauer, Martin Markert, Jana Musialak, Veit Birtel, Holger Steeb, Harald Garrecht (2019): Experimental characterization of effective mechanical properties of (micro-) fractured high performance concreteSEMC 2019 (The Seventh International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation) / SEMC, Cape Town, 2019
  • Markert, M., Birtel, V., Garrecht, H. (2019): Temperature and humidity induced damage processes in concrete due to pure compressive fatigue loadingProceedings of the fib Symposium, Krakow, 2019
  • Markert, M., Birtel, V., Garrecht, H. (2019): Influence of concrete humidity on the temperature development under fatigue compressive loadingProceedings of the 7th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum, Stuttgart, 2019